ㆍ소개처: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6271
ㆍ제작처: http://bookmarkpreviews.mozdev.org/
ㆍ기술지원: http://bookmarkpreviews.mozdev.org/list.html
북마크를 섬네일로 저장하여주는 파이어폭스 애드온입니다.

저장된 섬네일은 북마크 관리자에서 확인할 수 있으며..
북마크 관리자의 보기 메뉴를 눌러 Details/Albums/Thumbnails를 선택하여 보기 화면을 바꿀 수 있습니다.

또한 북마크 관리자의 관리하기 - Create Previews 메뉴를 클릭하여 기존의 섬네일이 만들어지지않은 북마크에 대해서도 일괄적으로 섬네일을 만들 수 있습니다.
물론, 기존 북마크가 많다면.. 그만큼 시간이 오래 걸리겠지요... ^^

▶ 제작자의 설명

Along with an album view (like cover flow) and a thumbnail view (with drag and drop), this extension also adds previews to the tooltips in the bookmarks sidebar. Just hover over a bookmark in the sidebar to see the previews.

In Firefox 3 you can access the two new views by opening the Library. To get there go to Bookmarks>Organize Bookmarks. From there you can toggle the view with the 3 buttons to the left of the search box or from the View menu.

This extension will take previews of your pages whenever you visit or add a bookmarked page. When you first start you will be able to have the extension create previews for you in the background. You can also perform this task later by Choosing 'File>Create Previews' in the Library/Bookmarks Organizer.

By default bookmark previews for https are disabled. You can enable those and toggle previews in the tooltips of the sidebar from the options window.
