ㆍ소개처: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4565
ㆍ제작처: http://maltekraus.de/Firefox/search-tools/
검색창에 많은 검색엔진들을 폴더와 분리선으로 분류를 해주는 애드온입니다.

▶ 제작자의 설명

This is definitely only for power users with dozens of installed search engines. But those will surely appreciate it.

This extensions is incompatible to Search Words. When I heard of that extension, I had already implemented it into Organize Search Engines. Differently from Search Words, keywords also work for engines using "post" requests when using Organize Search Engines.

Some extensions that are somehow interacting with the search bar are probably incompatible. Please send information about such extensions to firefox(at)maltekraus(dot)de
I tested compatibility with these extensions:
* Context Search
* searchOnTab
* Second Search
* Searchbar Autosizer
* Add to Search Bar
* Scroll Search Engines
* SearchLoad Options
* SearchWP
* Thinger
* Search on Engine Change
* Auto Context
* Drag & DropZone Searching
