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Mp3tag 실행 스크립트 - ID3 아티스트명의 일부분을 제목으로 이동

동해랑 2011. 7. 20. 21:17
Artist: GG Feat. 박봄
Title: 바람났어


Artist: GG
Title: 바람났어 (Feat. 박봄)

Action: Guess Values
Source Format: %title% $regexp(%artist%,(.*) Feat. (.*),'('Feat. $2')' +++ $1)
Guessing Pattern: %title% +++ %artist%

Artist: Rihanna Feat. Eminem
Title: Love The Way You Lie (Part II)


Artist: Rihanna
Title: Love The Way You Lie (Part II Feat. Eminem)

Action: Guess Values
Source Format: $replace(%title% $regexp(%artist%,(.*) Feat. (.*),'('Feat. $2')' +++ $1),') (', )
Guessing Pattern: %title% +++ %artist%

Artist: Abel Ramos feat Rozalla
Title: Where Is The Love (Antoine Clamaran Remix)


Artist: Abel Ramos
Title: Where Is The Love feat Rozalla (Antoine Clamaran Remix)

Action: Guess Values
Sourceformat: $regexp(%artist%,(.*) feat (.*),$1,1) - $regexp(%title%,(.*) \((.*)\),$1,1)$mid(%artist%,$strstr($lower(%artist%), feat),999)$mid(%title%,$strstr(%title%,' ('),999)
Guessing Pattern: %artist% - %title%

The result of the sourceformat string must be "Abel Ramos - Where Is The Love feat Rozalla (Antoine Clamaran Remix)", what coresponds to the Guessing Pattern "%artist% - %title%"
The sourceformat has four parts:

%artist% = Abel Ramos feat Rozalla
string result = Abel Ramos
$regexp(%artist%,(.*) feat (.*),$1,1)
(the 1 at the end of the string is for ingonring cases -> Feat = feat)

%title% = Where Is The Love (Antoine Clamaran Remix)
string result = Where Is The Love
$regexp(%title%,(.*) \((.*)\),$1,1)
(the 1 at the end of the string is for ingonring cases, would not be necessary here)

%artist% = Abel Ramos feat Rozalla
string result = feat Rozalla
$mid(%artist%,$strstr($lower(%artist%), feat),999)

%title% = Where Is The Love (Antoine Clamaran Remix)
string result = (Antoine Clamaran Remix)
$mid(%title%,$strstr(%title%,' ('),999)

$mid(x,i,999) is nonsense. it is the same as $cutleft(x,i)
Seems as i was thinking in twisted ways. I added 999 to have a position which is after the end, to make sure nothing is cutted away at the end.

* 출처: http://forums.mp3tag.de/index.php?showtopic=12513&st=0